
BlueTape is a payment solution for material suppliers and builders. It covers from payment management to credit access.


Product Designer

Designed the entire material suppliers and builders app for Beta01, from conception to delivery.


To build a solution for builders and material supplier to solve the payment complications.


To create a system to make payments through an online payment solution, so the whole payment aspect of purchased can be done by a few clicks.

User research

First, I gathered information to understand the user and the business goals and shared the findings in an agile format to adapt the startup's high-speed process. The following is a list of the methods I used to study the users.
  • Market Analysis.

  • User interviews with targeted users.

  • Observation of the user journey without our product on the site.

  • Designed a "pre-launch form" in order to collect essential data about our users and be able to identify their needs and expectations in the market.

Primary Personas and their needs

audience icon

User demographics

  • Mostly men
  • 34+
  • Using mobile devices

Builders' Needs:

  • To avoid having to read the card number and be on the phone every time they want to pay for a material, they need hassle-free payment solution.

  • Manage their payments without sharing their card information with their employees for purchases.
audience icon

User demographics

  • Mostly men
  • 34+
  • Using mostly Desktop

Suppliers' Needs

  • Streamlining the payment process for the builders so they don't have to contact them every time they need payment.

  • Maintain a directory of the client's accounts and keep track of their bills and payments.


Based on the user journeys, the final solution was to build a platform that addressed both parties' needs within their constraints.
audience icon


Product description

Builders application, is a mobile-based application for builders to receive and pay invoices and apply for LP credit and pay over time. The app helps them to see and manage all their payment activity.

Web-Based vs Mobile App

There were 2 main reasons why we decided not to build a mobile app and launched the Beta versions on a website.
  • We needed to earn users' trust before asking them to download the app.

  • The technology constraints didn't allow us to release the product as an app.

Delivered designs

List of projects I worked on from research to Wireframes and prototypes.


Signup screens
Signup screens
Signup screens
Signup screens


Onboarding Screens
Onboarding Screens
Onboarding Screens
Onboarding Screens

Welcome Screens

Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence

Transactions Tab

Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence
Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence
Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence

Invoices Tab

Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence
Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence
Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence


Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence
Communication, Amplitude,, Figma, Miro, Confluence
audience icon

Material Suppliers

Product description

Built a product for suppliers to upload their accounts, create invoices and send them to the builders. In the meantime, they can manage their transactions and review their payment activity.

Delivered Design


suppliers Login screen
suppliers Login screen
suppliers Login screen

Welcome and Onboarding Tutorial

suppliers welcome screen
suppliers onboarding screen
suppliers onboarding screen
suppliers onboarding screen
suppliers onboarding screen

Registration Form

suppliers form screen

Home Tab

suppliers dashboard screen
suppliers dashboard screen

Accouts Tab

suppliers accounts screen
suppliers accounts screen
suppliers accounts screen

Invoices Tab

suppliers invoice screen
suppliers invoice screen

Transactions Tab

suppliers transaction screen
suppliers transaction screen
suppliers transaction screen
suppliers transaction screen

Settings Tab

suppliers setting screen
suppliers setting screen
suppliers setting screen